Thursday, January 27, 2005

Lesson learned last night...

Why settle for Jagermeister when you can have Veuve Cliquot?

My alcoholic analogy for the reaction to my date last night. I know I know, you're thinking, "Date?! Didn't you just post something last week about being head over heels for a Frenchy?" (who, by the way, I am calling S from now on, because I don't want to associate him with "Frenchy" anymore-- he's too good for that)" I am just a playa, what can I say?! No, really, though, I thought this would be a good idea, just to make sure I really am ready to commit to something if it comes to that. I said I was going to be really careful about taking my time with this one, and rather than rushing into things and then later panicking and yelling, "Wait! I want to see other people!" as I courteously release myself from the grips of the J keisatsu, I decided to do my homework first. This may seem childish, but I'd rather do it this way than hurt him later. And since technically it is OK for me to date other people at the moment, I took advantage of it.

Anyway, this one was a German, hence the reference to Jager. He was a very nice German, in fact, in addition to being the chief financial officer of Hugo Boss in Japan. He came very nicely packaged in a complete pin-striped Hugo Boss suit with the scent of his yummy cologne constantly wafting my way. If there was to be a "competitor" to the Frenchman, he was a formidable one. Like I said, he was very nice... and also very BORING. I found myself chattering away and forcing myself to keep the conversation rolling... Frankly it reminded me of sorority recruitment when I was matched with a rushee with whom 3 minutes of conversation felt like a very, VERY long hour at the dentist.

But no worries here-- isn't that what I wanted anyway? It confirmed my intuition. I don't want to see other people!

It's the truth: One sip of Veuve and you'll never go back!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

My loverly locks...

This morning at the gym, while I was rushing to apply my make-up and get out of there by the 8:30 target, a funny thing happened. An older woman sitting next to me at the... what would you call it... "get pretty bar?"-- it's a room with mirrors as well as a counter with sinks, a supply of Q-tips, tissues, blow dryers, etc., all around the perimeter. Little stools are then spaced at the counter so you can sit (quite comfortably) and do your hair and make-up-- kind of like what you find at some hotel and fancy restaurant bathrooms in the States. A considerable improvement compared to American locker rooms. Anyway, this older Japanese woman turned to me and commented:
"You have such beautiful hair. Is there any special treatment you use to make it so beautiful?"
I responded with the usual, "Oh no, it's not beautiful" comment, being that it's Japan, and told her I had my hair straight permed. She seemed satisfied with the response and gave me a friendly bow before leaving to continue her beauty ritual elsewhere.

Anyway, it's funny how a nice little comment like that can really put you in a good mood at the start of a day. I always find it especially nice when random Japanese people talk to me and I can respond without their noticing that I'm not Japanese. Apparently my hair and my Japanese, perhaps, are improving.

Monday, January 24, 2005

My bitch session...

It is 8:15pm. I am in the office. I am the ONLY one in the office. I am waiting for a press release from a client so I can send it to a translator to be done by tomorow morning. It was supposed to arrive at 7:30. It is now 8:17, and still no release. The client was conveniently on the phone when I called. The translator will be pissed because he now has 47 less minutes to work on it tonight. I am paid the least out of everyone here-- WHY am I stuck here!? Sorry, I guess it isn't THAT late, but I didn't have much on all day, and was excited for an early getaway. I feel like I'm here for a stupid reason. I have no other work to do right now, and so here I am bitching to my blog. I guess this is on top of other annoyances, however, which have just put me in a bad mood. Another was a briefing memo, which I finished at 2pm today and sent "upstairs" to the big boss for a "check over." He finished checking it at 7pm, and then left me to reformat the whole document because he, once again, screwed up the bullet points. I have pre-experienced my hell on earth reformatting bullet points. They have an agenda of their own, trust me.
8:47 and I'm still here... still no release, but I'm blowing this joint. Hopefully I can check from home and send it later.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Head in the clouds...

P called me out on it. I was washing the dishes and had this stupid giddy smile and dreamy eyed look on my face. "What are you smiling about?" "Oh me? Nothing," I answered, trying not to smile. But God I hate when I do that. Whenever I try not to smile I just end up smiling more. When we were kids, all my guy friends would love playing that dumb game with me-- the one when you try not to smile for 60 seconds while the other person makes all kinds of funny faces at you. I was the inevitable loser everytime and would burst out laughing. I am still surprised by the fact that I can actually keep a poker face.

It seems, however, that I have recently developed "the smile." This is the one that accompanies the fluttery stomach. The one that you might catch on someone else's face and wonder if they know some really good secret that you don't. The one that keeps you from concentrating on any small task and makes you mad at yourself for wasting your time with your head in the clouds. Well, I've gotten it, and I only hope it doesn't go away too soon. If I remember correctly, though, it's just the beginning of the ride. If you've ever started seeing someone you really like, you know this ride. It's the one in the brand new Ferrari that can accelerate from 0 to 150mph in .33 seconds (bear with me, it's a super Ferrari). You're loving it and just want to keep enjoying the ride, but yet a part of you is thinking, "whoa, slow down, if this thing goes any faster it's just sure to crash and burn." And with some good sense, I'll tone it down a few gears. I really will try, though I say this with a sly smile. Perhaps I know myself too well. I'd take a crash and burn over a Sunday joyride anyday.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Can you feel my pain?

Wednesday & Thursday went much the same.

6am - wake up (still dark and cold, desire to get out of my warm bed ZERO)715 am - arrive at the gym, run a few miles, am dismayed at the fact that I have gained 2 kilos since B's sayonara party in October. Resolve to keep going in the mornings, though OUCH every muscle in my body is hurting845 am ~ 730pm - WORK... I have resigned myself to the fact that there are no more "slow" days. Every day is just this busy. Though I did get props from my boss at a staff meeting for my "crisis management" abilities in persuading said newspaper to print a different quote from Tuesday's interview.

830pm - arrive home, futz about with some sort of sustenance (or canned soup, which wouldn't necessarily count)

930pm - pilates, gossip with P, etc etc

11pm - bed.

How depressing!? I was even supposed to go out last night but couldn't even entertain the thought of staying awake.

Today has been just as jam packed until now. Maybe I finally get a breather! TGIF!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Can't exactly call this the best day...

I had to be at the Imperial Hotel this morning at 8:30 to sit in on 4 media interviews for a client. I arrive at the station promptly at 7:40, and among the swarms of people around me, I stand wondering, "Have I never been to the station at this time of morning? Why are there sooo many people standing around?" And then I hear it. The train is broken down. NOOOOO!!! I call my boss who lives in the area, but she had already left. Next thought, hail a cab. Unfortunately that was everyone else's next thought too. Not a cab to be found. I walk to the nearest bus stop and wait 1/2 hour in a skirt, chilled to the bone. No bus. No bus. No bus. At 8:15, I see the train pass on the tracks. Up and running again... 9:00 arrival at the hotel, just when the interview started. Phew! Close one... but still not a way to start a morning.

Next, crisis management. The client made a quote that we did NOT want in print, and a publication was going to use it. Fortunately this one was a decent reporter, and told us about the quote before he printed it. Had to liaise back and forth with client and reporter to make a quote they could both agree on. The client was freaking, "He CAN'T print that! Can you do something?" I totally owe this journalist-- he agreed not to print it. Too close again.
Finally, I just checked my e-mails from home. A NY client e-mailed last Friday night (Friday morning NY time) that she didn't get an article translation that was sent by our media monitor, though her address was clearly on the e-mail. I, being the dedicated member of the proletariat that I am, ventured into the office on Saturday to resend this already sent article... ONLY to get an e-mail today saying, "Where is it? I still didn't get it." WHAT!? This internet thing is CLEARLY against me! One very long distance, off hours and embarrassing phone call later, I am off the hook (barely) again.

I am too young to be stressed by work. Make it stop! Bedtime can only come to soon. This day needs to end!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

The current snapshot...

And what a weekend it turned out to be. We are blessed with another random Japanese holiday this Monday, so after a killer week at work I can now take advantage of a not-so-early Monday morning at the office.

Highlights of my weekend include but are not limited to:

1. Finding out that my friend A. is moving to Toritsu-daigaku, within walking distance from me. Super excited about that!

2. Buying the hottest shirt ever at a sale at FCUK... 5000 yen for not so much material, but totally worth it. I'll be sure to post a pic of this one when I wear it.

3. Finally, thank God, a new mama chari, aka bicycle with a basket. You can't even begin to imagine my excitement about this one! B, I am so sorry that "the rocket" didn't live up to its well-reputed name, but the air tube inside the tire popped, and for 7000 yen for a new bike, I couldn't resist. Not only do mama-chari cut down on time when you're in a rush to the station, but a whole new world is uncovered, including trips to Daiei anytime, where paper towels, toilet paper, and bathroom items are like 1/2 the price of the normal supermarket; a quick ride over to Mx's place rather than a 660 yen cab ride each way, and soon to be a short ride to A.'s too; and maybe even if I am really ambitious, I can ride to the park and go for runs there. I just rode to Mx's house tonight for another fabulous dinner as usual (her boyfriend is a phenomenal cook), and all I have to say is YAYYYY mama-chari!!!

4. A new development in the love life... It's been a while since I've written about Frenchies, but... actually since I told Frenchy 3 that we should just be friends, we really have been -- and have gotten to be quite good friends at that... and actually the better friends we got to be, the more I started thinking, maybe I do like him a bit? Anyway, friends with benefits couldn't harm anyone, right (famous last words, but...)? Anyway, I think this is a good thing, and I really actually am not hoping/expecting/even preparing for anything exclusive or serious, but I'm having fun for now, and I guess we'll see where things end up. Honestly I have no idea.

5. My future has become a bit fuzzier... no need to go into detail yet, but it seems that soon I might be having to make some difficult decisions about my life (again). Why can't I just be a normal person and settle to do one thing that I'm happy with?
Anyway, must be going now... company awaits....