Wednesday, February 16, 2005


4:46am = HUGE earthquake!! The biggest that I've felt yet! It's the first time things have fallen off our TV... seemingly not such a big deal, but actually pretty freaking scary. When the shaking continued I jumped out of bed, met P in the lounge room, and we ran downstairs to open the door. When all seemed calm, we headed back up and turned on the TV, which at first said to stay on alert for tsunami. We freaked out for about a minute, and then they changed their statement to say no danger of tsunami. Ugh, it just gives me the shivers, though (a bit too literally).

The cold, pouring rain didn't help my mood. I've had a bad cold the past few days and decided it was best to spare my body the pain of going to the office today. My first sick day. I slept until 2 and am ready to go back to bed again now, 4 hours later. I just can't seem to keep my head up.......

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