pics from my weekend with Jake)
That was this weekend. Jake, my friend / first serious boyfriend from high school came to visit on his way back to California from a business trip to Shanghai. He's a chemical engineer with AbleStick Laboratories (no, I'm not joking, that's really the name of his lab, which fyi, makes semi-conductors, not babies!).
Jake was my first visitor in Tokyo and it was his first time to Japan, so we had to make it a fun weekend in a limited amount of time. I must say I had a great time being a tourist again. I hadn't gone to see anything new since I've been back, because I figured I would do it when I got visitors. So here was my chance. But WOW, I almost forgot how tiring it was to play tour guide/translator... answering questions, being up early to get in a full day after staying out late to show off Tokyo nightlife... intense but fun! Here are some highlights:
Tsukiji Market... I have never felt so uncomfortable around "food" in my entire life. Fish EVERYWHERE, beady eyes bulging out at you from their styrofoam crypt, one minute flopping around, next minute, BEHEADED!

It was like watching mass murderers go after their victims-- but very tasty victims. We ate the best sushi I've ever had afterwards (after waiting 2 1/2 hours to get in... apparently there was a festival in town that I didn't know about).
Imperial Palace Grounds... I had already been here so it wasn't that big of a deal. I do feel like that area, though, is not like real Tokyo. It almost reminds of Washington D.C.-- that very manicured, almost artificial landscape dotted by government buildings. Great running area, though. I wish I lived closer so I could run around there, and then I wouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg to join Tipness every month.
Yasukuni Jinja... obviously a place of great controversy, as the prime minister of Japan continues to visit it every year to pay homage to the war criminals buried here. The Chinese and Koreans do not appreciate it! I don't really know enough about the topic to have strong feelings either way, but I found that even though I want to buy my mom an omamori, I didn't want to buy it at this shrine. I think I was subconsciously biased. Anyway, there is a beautiful garden there, though, and it reminded me that I should come out and take advantage of these places more. It captures what I love about Tokyo-- a very secluded, serene, beautiful garden-- when you are there, you feel like there is no other place in the entire world... yet, if you look up, there is a Tokyo TV or radio tower rising high into the sky. But the images don't conflict-- in fact, they simply illustrate what Tokyo is, a mixture of old and new in the most extreme ways finding a nice harmony together.
The day had to end with a huge group dinner at an izakaya in Shibuya and nijikai at Shidax, the karaoke mecca of Tokyo. We were on the Mermaid floor, and diva-ed out the usuals, Genie in a Bottle, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Lady Marmalade (w/ my duet partner Px), I Will Survive, etc.

Px and I decided we need to expand our repertoire, though, so we're going to find a boring day and go practice on our own during the day! haha, we are such dorks! But Px has an amazing voice-- Toxic made its debut, and we think it's a keeper. We also had some oldies but goodies because M.'s parent were in from Scotland and came along... I might add they are the cutest older married couple ever! And if I was only listening to her father, I would have thought he was William Wallace (or Mel Gibson in Braveheart). Gotta love the Scottish accent.
We finished off today dashing around Meiji Jingu, Yoyogi Koen, Harajuku and Omotesando, and PHEW! it's my bedtime! Work is going to be super busy tomorrow AND I have to be there early.... iyada.