Friday, May 13, 2005

Snippets for safekeeping...

Still bored at work, but beginning a new struggle.

Now trying to take very deep breaths and engrave the smells in my memory. Stark air, perhaps mixed with the occasional whiff of grilled meat from a yakiniku restaurant. Sake on the breath of the ojisan next to me on the last train. The sulfur of the onsen water, combined with the remnants of the day's rain.

Listening to my heels clicking the pavement as I walk the streets of Gakugei from the station to my house. Reminds me I need to make an effort to stop into those little shops that I always think are so cute but will visit another time. Can I even tire of hearing, "Mamonaku, ichi-ban sen ni densha ga mairimasu."? And I remember laughs. Soooo many laughs with the girls, with S, with myself-- usually at myself. I am so clueless sometimes.

And worst yet, trying to ingrain the image of a person in the memory. I think this is the hardest. I can always remember the individual parts-- eyes, nose, hair, mouth-- one at a time. But when I try to piece them together it somehow becomes more blurry. But this is my challenge for the next few months. Trying to soak up everything so much that the memories last a lifetime.

Sorry for the weird entry.

Ask me why later.


おにぎりまん said...

This is not so weird... I think. It sounds as if you're ready to leave Japan. I know the feeling. I try to remember everything I do. I wish I had a blog back in the early 90s... Hahahahah, they didn't even have Internet back then. But I would have logged all my thoughts and experiences. It's a good thing you're doing them now. You will have a lot to look back on.

Anonymous said...


You may or may not remember me, but this is Gregg from Nanzan. Haven't talked to you in a while, but I just figured I'd let you know that I've been checkin' yer BLOG every now and then. Maybe you don't get much feedback, but its not being done in vain!

JoLo in Tokyo said...

hi Gregg! did you read my post about T & O (you know who they are, I'm sure) getting married?! Lots of Nanzan marriages!!!

Anonymous said...

oh-jocelyn...are you really going to go to England?
i didn`t realized, i didn`t want to accept it...
i don`t want you to go to-------
