Sunday, January 09, 2005

The current snapshot...

And what a weekend it turned out to be. We are blessed with another random Japanese holiday this Monday, so after a killer week at work I can now take advantage of a not-so-early Monday morning at the office.

Highlights of my weekend include but are not limited to:

1. Finding out that my friend A. is moving to Toritsu-daigaku, within walking distance from me. Super excited about that!

2. Buying the hottest shirt ever at a sale at FCUK... 5000 yen for not so much material, but totally worth it. I'll be sure to post a pic of this one when I wear it.

3. Finally, thank God, a new mama chari, aka bicycle with a basket. You can't even begin to imagine my excitement about this one! B, I am so sorry that "the rocket" didn't live up to its well-reputed name, but the air tube inside the tire popped, and for 7000 yen for a new bike, I couldn't resist. Not only do mama-chari cut down on time when you're in a rush to the station, but a whole new world is uncovered, including trips to Daiei anytime, where paper towels, toilet paper, and bathroom items are like 1/2 the price of the normal supermarket; a quick ride over to Mx's place rather than a 660 yen cab ride each way, and soon to be a short ride to A.'s too; and maybe even if I am really ambitious, I can ride to the park and go for runs there. I just rode to Mx's house tonight for another fabulous dinner as usual (her boyfriend is a phenomenal cook), and all I have to say is YAYYYY mama-chari!!!

4. A new development in the love life... It's been a while since I've written about Frenchies, but... actually since I told Frenchy 3 that we should just be friends, we really have been -- and have gotten to be quite good friends at that... and actually the better friends we got to be, the more I started thinking, maybe I do like him a bit? Anyway, friends with benefits couldn't harm anyone, right (famous last words, but...)? Anyway, I think this is a good thing, and I really actually am not hoping/expecting/even preparing for anything exclusive or serious, but I'm having fun for now, and I guess we'll see where things end up. Honestly I have no idea.

5. My future has become a bit fuzzier... no need to go into detail yet, but it seems that soon I might be having to make some difficult decisions about my life (again). Why can't I just be a normal person and settle to do one thing that I'm happy with?
Anyway, must be going now... company awaits....

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