Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Can't exactly call this the best day...

I had to be at the Imperial Hotel this morning at 8:30 to sit in on 4 media interviews for a client. I arrive at the station promptly at 7:40, and among the swarms of people around me, I stand wondering, "Have I never been to the station at this time of morning? Why are there sooo many people standing around?" And then I hear it. The train is broken down. NOOOOO!!! I call my boss who lives in the area, but she had already left. Next thought, hail a cab. Unfortunately that was everyone else's next thought too. Not a cab to be found. I walk to the nearest bus stop and wait 1/2 hour in a skirt, chilled to the bone. No bus. No bus. No bus. At 8:15, I see the train pass on the tracks. Up and running again... 9:00 arrival at the hotel, just when the interview started. Phew! Close one... but still not a way to start a morning.

Next, crisis management. The client made a quote that we did NOT want in print, and a publication was going to use it. Fortunately this one was a decent reporter, and told us about the quote before he printed it. Had to liaise back and forth with client and reporter to make a quote they could both agree on. The client was freaking, "He CAN'T print that! Can you do something?" I totally owe this journalist-- he agreed not to print it. Too close again.
Finally, I just checked my e-mails from home. A NY client e-mailed last Friday night (Friday morning NY time) that she didn't get an article translation that was sent by our media monitor, though her address was clearly on the e-mail. I, being the dedicated member of the proletariat that I am, ventured into the office on Saturday to resend this already sent article... ONLY to get an e-mail today saying, "Where is it? I still didn't get it." WHAT!? This internet thing is CLEARLY against me! One very long distance, off hours and embarrassing phone call later, I am off the hook (barely) again.

I am too young to be stressed by work. Make it stop! Bedtime can only come to soon. This day needs to end!

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