Tuesday, January 25, 2005

My loverly locks...

This morning at the gym, while I was rushing to apply my make-up and get out of there by the 8:30 target, a funny thing happened. An older woman sitting next to me at the... what would you call it... "get pretty bar?"-- it's a room with mirrors as well as a counter with sinks, a supply of Q-tips, tissues, blow dryers, etc., all around the perimeter. Little stools are then spaced at the counter so you can sit (quite comfortably) and do your hair and make-up-- kind of like what you find at some hotel and fancy restaurant bathrooms in the States. A considerable improvement compared to American locker rooms. Anyway, this older Japanese woman turned to me and commented:
"You have such beautiful hair. Is there any special treatment you use to make it so beautiful?"
I responded with the usual, "Oh no, it's not beautiful" comment, being that it's Japan, and told her I had my hair straight permed. She seemed satisfied with the response and gave me a friendly bow before leaving to continue her beauty ritual elsewhere.

Anyway, it's funny how a nice little comment like that can really put you in a good mood at the start of a day. I always find it especially nice when random Japanese people talk to me and I can respond without their noticing that I'm not Japanese. Apparently my hair and my Japanese, perhaps, are improving.

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