Thursday, September 16, 2004

More coincidences...

The Aussie boy hadn't called since last Monday. He had said he was going on a business trip and would call when he got back. Well, the weekend passed and I hadn't heard anything, so Px (my flat mate/life partner) and MC (my lovely Scottish colleague) and I decided that he should maybe be given one more chance, but essentially, he was written off. But yesterday, I had to get a contact for issuing a press release to the ACCJ, and when I contacted them, they said, "Contact our publishing company." I looked up the number online, and it all sounded vaguely familiar-- publishing company, work for ACCJ, located in Shibuya-- of course it was his company. Unbelievable, I thought. I called his cell phone and left a message saying I was looking for a contact, and then I called the office and spoke with his boss. Well, as I was walking to Roppongi last night for another engagement to be spoken of later, he called saying, "I just got your message, but I knew you had called because my boss said someone from GA called, and I showed him your card and he said it was you. So sorry I haven't been in contact, I'm just in between meetings now and so busy. I'll call you tomorrow at work and we can discuss the release and, of course, when we'll go out together again."

So, I don't really buy the fact that he was so busy he couldn't call. Who is ever too busy to call someone they are interested in? Maybe you purposely hold off so that you don't seem too anxious calling the next day... (though he did invite me over the next night-- and then disinvited me, in fact)... but maybe he is just using the personal relationship for work benefits? Ugggh, I just don't understand boys.

As for the other engagement, I met Frenchy's best friend, who is still here in Japan, for dinner and had such a good time! We really had some great conversations... It's a shame that I went out with his best friend, making him off limits now, I suppose. Plus THE French man himself is probably coming back to Tokyo in November for a week. Abunai kana.......

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(just a silhouette of the happy couple they could be.... haha)

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