Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Great Wall

Step by step by step... that is how I saw the Great Wall. The place was Simatai, which I highly recommend for the best of Great Wall experiences. If you've gone all the way to Beijing, you might as well get the best view of this magnificent site. At Simatai, apart from the poor farm wives who follow you every step of the climb to sell postcards, t-shirts, or even to lend a helping hand, we were the only ones there! And if there is any site in China that is best seen without the other 1.2 bil, one is most definitely the Great Wall.

When I think of my experience, one of the first things that comes to mind is extreme, mind-boggling, melting HEAT! We hit Beijing during a record setting heat wave, and those steps looked less and less friendly with every breeze that failed to blow. Good thing my buns of steel were up for the challenge.. haha.

It is not cliche to say the Great Wall is one of the great man-made wonders. It is INCREDIBLE! And even better, it isn't even necessary for your jello-jiggly legs to take you all the way to the bottom after the climb up. A zipline was kindly provided for the lazier, though more adventurous spirits in the bunch, to aid our return. Only the two crazy Swedes and I opted to take part in this "at your own risk" activity, and I just can't seem to imagine why, being that the pulley had turned a rusty brown, and the rope could have probably snapped at a sneeze. But if you can't trust the Chinese, who can you trust (!!??) .... The sheer feeling of freedom while flying from the Great Wall with legs dangling over a lake.... the sense of awe while looking back on the great wonder behind you... soooo worth 35 RMB (about 4 USD) ! I heart China!

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