Monday, September 26, 2005


The weekend was dominated by my Thursday night sayonara dinner & paa-tee, as it took me almost the rest of the entire weekend to recover from this 11 hour soiree. It wasn't such an unusual night after all, but I thought it best to end on a night of familiarity. Thanks to Mx, the party started with a small and lovely dinner at Kaikaya, one of the best fish eateries in town. The night was accented by a bit of fashion, thanks to Matt-o, who titled himself the night's comedian by literally bringing his "party hat." Level of drunkenness: 6.

Next stop was Ruby Room, where more friends joined us, and where too many weirdo Frenchy guys (apart from those in our own party) tried to put the moves on us. But the house was good, the drinks were aplenty, and the night passed on even more quickly. Level of drunkenness: 7.5, the increase reflected by S' not-so-graceful full on fall down the hard wooden steps coming down from the club. The half of our party at the bottom of the stairs burst into "glad it wasn't one of us" laughter at the drunken spectacle... until they realized, "OH NO, it was SAM." Then the laughing got louder! I was coming down behind him and scooped up his broken body from the bottom step... :-) hehe. (See pic of S brushing himself off) Still makes me laugh even now.

The bar hop continued on to Red Bar, the small hole in the wall adorned in red, red, red everywhere, including my face by that point. And, in true Tokyo fashion, the night ended in SHIDAX, karaoke mecca of Shibuya. Level of drunkenness: doesn't even matter, we can't count! And we sang (or shouted? fell off our chairs? took funny pictures?) until 6am, when the place thankfully kicked our butts out.

I doubt I need much more explanation as to why the rest of the weekend ended up in stomach misery 15 minutes after anything I ingested. But it was a superb finish!! A HUGE arigato to everyone who came out to help me celebrate, despite their jobs, friends visiting, early trains and planes the next morning. xoxo

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